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RV Automation Technology was awarded the Business Excellence Award

3 November 2023

We are thrilled to announce that RV Automation Technology was awarded the Business Excellence Award at the Hong Kong Australia Business Association South Australia 2023 Business Awards last Friday. This award is a testament to the excellence in the field and the significant contribution to South Australia, and we are honored to be recognised by the HKABA SA.

The HKABA SA Business Awards are held annually to celebrate the achievements of businesses that are contributing to the strong economic and cultural ties between Hong Kong and South Australia. We are proud to be the winners this year, and we look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with the Hong Kong-Australian business community.

RV Automation Technology has a long history of success in the Hong Kong markets. We are proud to bring our innovative technologies to Australia, and we are grateful for the support of our customers and the SA government. Special thanks to our Australia team, this award is a testament to their hard work and dedication, and we are committed to continuing to provide our customers with the highest quality robotic products and services.

We would also like to congratulate the other finalists and winners of the HKABA Business Awards. It is our honor to be part of such a vibrant and innovative business community. 

Once again, thank you to HKABA SA for organizing this meaningful event, and to the sponsors and guests for making it a night to remember.

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